
Legal & Tax
Many legal and tax questions arise at any stage of company operations. Our legal and tax team will register your company, help you draw up labour and commercial agreements, support your investment and M&A transactions, and develop the optimal taxation scheme in full compliance with local legal requirements.

Interim Management
Entering new markets in Russia and the CIS requires a local General Director to establish a local entity, not just to sign paperwork but also to interact with state authorities. A foreign national needs to obtain a work permit to be entitled to work in Russia as a General Director.

Flawless bookkeeping, statutory and management reporting are the keys to effective business operations and help avoid excessive attention from the controlling authorities. We take over routine and resource-consuming accounting task, arrange preparation of statutory and management reporting, and help our clients develop and implement the system of internal control over accounting and financial reporting.

Reasonable utilisation of IT solutions helps businesses improve operational efficiency and outperform the competition. We help businesses develop an effective digitalisation strategy, select best of breed best local and international IT solutions, integrate them within a unified IT infrastructure and ensure data integrity and security.

Internal Controls & Internal Audit
Various external and internal risks can significantly impact business performance. We will help you review the efficiency of your business processes, identify soft spots and potential issues and then will present you a list of practical recommendations on risk mitigation and process optimisation.

HR & Payroll
Human capital is the corporate key asset. We will help you develop a working HR strategy: create an efficient recruitment, talent management and professional competences assessment system, work out key performance indicators and implement motivational schemes for your employees, as well as introduce personnel training and development. We take over complicated and always changing HR administration and payroll calculation tasks.

Employer of Record
Employer of record service by SCHNEIDER GROUP means efficient setup of project teams on short notice, safe test drive with a local candidate prior to permanent employment, risk-free international payments and savings on HR administration cost.

Import Services
Efficient and fully compliant export of your goods and services into the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU): analysis of current export / import models and development of new ones, supply chain restructuring considering sanctions and logistics restrictions, sanctions check regarding people, organizations, industry sectors, product categories, and destination.

Market Studies
Our packages can be tailored to suit businesses of any size, enabling SMEs to try out new markets without huge financial risks. For businesses making tangible products, we can ensure that potential buyers get the opportunity to experience the ‘look and feel’ of your product when making a purchasing decision.